How to find old versions of your Favorite Apps


Sometimes you might need an older version of an App, a tool or a plugin. There can be many reasons why you don’t want to use the newest version, but it can be very difficult to find older version of software even if it is freeware. The reason for that is that most companies want people to use their newest version that often is the most secure version where most bugs are fixed. It is also easier for support matters if all users are using the newest version. It makes great sense to use the newest version of all software you use, but there is times where an older version can be the perfect choice. That is where the website comes to the rescue 🙂 It is completely free and you don’t have to signup or login, you just go ahead and download what you need.

I need an old version of Java, but how?

Recently I was trying to connect to an older Cisco firewall. I was denied access due to improved Java security, because I had updated my Java browser plugin to the newest version. Oracle had found some serious security issues in earlier editions of their plugin and like most people I upgraded to be safe in the Internet. In my case with the Cisco firewall I need to downgrade, at least for a while, to be able to contact my firewall. My problem was that Oracle, the company developing Java, does only have the newest version available on their public website. I know that I can signup at Oracle and get access to older version, but that is a slow process just to download a plugin. Instead someone told me about the website. At this website you can find old versions of all kind of apps that you properly have downloaded over the last 10 years or more. e.g. Java, Winamp, Total Commander, Google Earth, WinRAR and many more.

* You can find software for both Windows, Linux and Mac on

Are you often looking for older version of software?

Please drop me a comment and tell me what you think about the oldapps website. Do you often need to download older version of your favorite apps, but find it hard to find the older versions?

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7 Thoughts to “How to find old versions of your Favorite Apps”

  1. Hi Tim, This is very helpful. Every so often people want to access older versions of apps. Perhaps their operating system isn’t current or their hardware won’t support it.

    Sometimes developers take out valuable features when they update their apps so an older version might be your favorite.

    I will be checking out Great idea for a website!

    1. Hi Carolyn
      I think it is an awesome website too. Sometimes you just need an older version of a program or a plugin and it can be very difficult to find those older versions.

  2. i was unaware of such a site before reading this article,,nice find Thomas,,i will share this site with my friends who knows someone might need an older version of software and will download it from there,,,thanks for sharing such a nice article with us Thomas…

  3. As a java developer i always find it difficult looking for older versions. This oldapps website seems really good. Now I dont need to search in google.

    Thanks for this awesome article. +1

  4. Nice and very informative post

    I think the website which you have mentioned is really great. Sometimes you just find the older version of any app more cooler that the latest one. S o this website will help us in such times.

    Thank you for sharing.

  5. Thank you Thomas,

    That was mighty kind of you and I’m sure it’s going to be very helpful.

  6. Linda

    I never knew there was such kind of website. Thanks you Thomas for sharing it with us. Some time we need to get old versions of our fav apps but we could not find. Now this works as charm to me. Will surely share it with my friends too!

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