10 great Windows 7 keyboard shortcuts

Today I want to give you some tips about Windows 7 Keyboard shortcuts. No doubt that we can do a lot of smart stuff with the mouse, but sometimes it is just faster and easier to get the job done with a keyboard combination. Here are 10 great keyboard shortcuts for Windows 7, you can use to become more productive working with a Windows 7 computer.

Windows 7 keyboard shortcuts

Windows key

Some of the combinations are new in Windows 7 and some of them are also working in Windows Vista or maybe even in Windows XP. Call me old fashion, call me just what you want. I love those keyboard shortcuts 🙂

  1. [Windows Key + Space] –  All windows become transparent so you can see through to the desktop
  2. [Windows Key + Left/Right arrows] – Dock the window to each side of the monitor.
  3. [Shift+Windows Key+Left/Right arrows ] – Move the window to the monitor on the left or right. (Only if you run with extended desktop)
  4. [Windows Key + B] –  Focuses the System Tray icons
  5. [Windows Key + P] –  Adjust presentation settings for your display
  6. [Alt+Esc] – Cycle through all open windows
  7. [Windows Key +Any number (1, 2, 3, .., 0)] – Open the corresponding taskbar pinned program
  8. [Windows Key + R] – Opens Run dialog box
  9. [Windows Key + G] – show desktop gadgets
  10. [Windows Key + Plus key] – Zoom in (Windows Key + Minus key to zoom out)

I hope you find the useful. If you need more Windows 7 keyboard shortcuts you can find a lot more combinations here: Keyboard-shortcuts

What is your favorite shortcut combinations?

What about you. Do you use keyboard shortcuts on a daily basis? What is your favorite Windows 7 shortcut?  I hope you found this post about Windows 7 keyboard shortcuts useful. Please drop me a comment below if you have any questions.

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17 Thoughts to “10 great Windows 7 keyboard shortcuts”

  1. Dana

    Very useful! So far, I only use the old windows shourtcut — CTRL+V, CTRL+C, and CTRL+L.

    1. Hi Dana
      I am glad you like it. There is actually many great combination that many people that use Windows 7 everyday should know about.

  2. Tarrum

    Great article! Perhaps you could do a new post with tricks you can do with mouse, hehe. I always maximize my browser by pulling it upwards.

    Keep on writing!

    1. Hi Tarrum
      Thank you for commenting here on my blog 🙂
      Maybe I should make a little post or a video about mouse tips in Windows 7. One of the new thing is that you can grab a windows and shake it. This will make all other open windows drop to the taskbar.

  3. Very useful… I frequently use the basic keyboard shortcuts and the favorite one from the list is Windows key + Space

  4. Adrienne

    Okay, I have XP and the only one that worked was the command for bringing up the run dialog. To be honest with you, I didn’t even understand what some of these other things are. Dah!!! Tech wizard I’m not!

    I’ve really heard a lot of complaints about Vista and Windows 7. Makes me really scared if I have to upgrade in the near future. But I guess if I have any problems should that happen I’ll just come to you for help! Watch out my friend!!!

    Adrienne 🙂

    1. Hi Adrienne
      Are you still running XP :-O
      Nope, there are not many of those shortcuts that work for XP but I think that almost all XP shortcuts that work in XP still works in Windows 7. I can understand your complaints about Vista, but Windows 7 is really a great system in my opinion. It might seem scary at first that they have changed the Start Menu and the Taskbar, but when you have getting used to it you can’t live without it. I think you should go for Windows 7 whenever you are going to replace your computer and I would love to answer any question you might have about it.

      Let me here. What are your main complain about Windows 7? I would like to hear that.
      Have a great weekend Adrienne 🙂

  5. I love shortcuts and there are so many nice ones. The biggest problem of mine is to remember them 😉

  6. Hey again. I thought this post related to Windows Phone 7 rather than Windows 7 for a minute!

    Just a thought, but if you ever want to make a blog post about Windows Phone 7, then check out my site which lists Phone Tips and Tricks for a wide range of smartphones.

    Obviously i’m fishing for a backlink, but I really believe that the site offers something quite useful to phone users 🙂

  7. Steve

    Gosh, it’s almost as useful as the features Compiz provided the Linux desktop with some 4+ years ago. Nice that Windows has come up with something almost as good in all that time.

  8. Adrienne

    I’m back Thomas and you now know why! I’m a new owner of Windows 7 due to my recent problem with my other computer.

    Okay, now quite sure what all of this is but I’ve already found my favorite one. The zoom in and out. I LOVE that and I’ll tell you why.

    I use Chrome for my main browser but have FireFox open as well for my other email account. Problem with that is the screen is so much tinier then on my other computer which was Windows XP. I went in to change the setting like they suggested but that blew it way up so I’m at a loss. This will really help.

    Thanks Thomas. To the rescue!

    1. Hi Adrienne
      I use the Zoom function a lot myself. Glad that my post could help and that you have got a good start to Windows 7.

  9. Thanks Thomas for sharing this shortcut keys. This is good specially if my mouse stops working once in a while.

    1. Yep, don’t want to be all dependent on the mouse.

  10. Hatemonger

    Also, [Ctrl]+[Shift]+[ESC] works great for getting into task manager without having to deal with the “what do you want to do” screen you get with Ctrl+Alt+Del

    1. Thank you for the tip Hatemonger. Always nice with a faster and easier way to do things.

  11. Rohini Pujari

    Very useful keyboard shortcut. I use these shortcuts and also forward my friends thanks for posting.

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